Top 7 Bible Facts
Great Jones Street
… I think he wasn’t listening because he said, Okay here’s an easy one. Even you might know this. Which book of the Bible is the only one that doesn’t mention the word “God”? That one was easy: Esther. I thought about saying Ruby just to get a rise out of him but I could tell he was starting to get bored of giving me quizzes from our Holy Bible Workbook and I definitely didn’t want to have to come up with other stuff to distract him with, so I just went ahead and said Esther. He lit up and said very good, and maybe I had been paying attention to something this week. It was really easy to picture Micah being a teacher. It made me realize that most of my school teachers probably were Micah when they were our age and that made me understand them a little bit better but like them a lot less.